The strong focus on social distancing amidst the COVID-19 outbreak has prompted many businesses to set up working from home arrangements for their teams. Working remotely for an office-based team can pose challenges for those new to the arrangement. At Grace Business Services, one of our many areas of expertise is office relocations. We’ve seen plenty of office spaces and from our experience would like to make some suggestions if setting up a home office is something new to you.
Setting up a home office can be very exciting but is not something that should be taken lightly. It will take some planning to create a space that will allow you to mimic the same efficiency and productivity that you’re able to perform within the office. Working remotely is very much a valuable skill because it demonstrates an ability to be able to work autonomously. It is a great opportunity to prove yourself as a reliable and independent team member with a strong work ethic. Bearing that in mind, let’s focus on where to start when setting up your new remote workspace.
- Have everything you need ready
The first step to setting up a home office is to sit down and make a list of everything you need to be able to perform your role without disruption. Firstly, think about what’s on your work desk that is necessary to your work routine. Keep an open line of communication with your management team in the likely event that you’ll need to take work equipment home. This also applies to your desktop – be sure that you have all the right licenses and programs to be able to perform all aspects of your role without interruption. This is extra important when you’re working from home because it can be tougher to get started once you’ve hit a hurdle without the support of your colleagues around you.
2. Create a dedicated work space
Once you have all your bits and pieces ready, set up your dedicated work space. Resist the idea that you’ll be just as productive while lazing on the couch with a laptop, this isn’t likely. Many that are new to working from home report challenges staying motivated and focused without their colleagues around. Create your work space away from your living space, free of pets or other distractions. This physical separation will also develop a mental boundary useful to keep work from bleeding into your home space once you’re done with your tasks.
3. Ensure you have adequate working conditions
It’s easy to overlook or take for granted quite how much planning can go into an office space to have a great balance between efficiency and comfort. Set up your work area in a well-lit space and make sure that your computer screen is positioned approximately 50-75 centimetres away so that you don’t strain your eyes. Ensure that your seat allows you to sit comfortably without straining your back, and that your arms rest on your desk at a 90-degree bend. The key is to eliminate any type of strain so that you are comfortable and can think clearly. Creating the most optimal conditions may take some experimenting but is of utmost importance to your health and productivity.
4. Make your desk a food-free space
Whilst some genuinely enjoy eating at their desks, when you’re near your fridge with no teammates around it can become a bad habit to bring food into your office space. For one, you’re now encouraging a distracting mess or clutter. Secondly, once you introduce the habit, it may be hard to break. It is helpful for your routine and for your office space to set a regular lunch break and take it away from your desk. This will enable you to take a mental break from your work and keep food away from your working space.
5. Bring things from the office
Another trick to mentally convince yourself that your work space is separate from your home is to bring in things from your office so that they can remind you of work. Little things like taking your work mousepad, or favourite pack of Post-it notes can serve as little reminders that your desk is a working space and your work responsibilities still apply.
In fact, if you find yourself lapsing in productivity and miss your desk – speak to your manager. Grace Business Services offers business relocations with minimal disruption whether it’s down the road or interstate. Our teams are experts in business relocation and can do the heavy lifting for you to mitigate OHS mishaps. The packing and relocating services we offer that are tailored to your needs can reduce moving errors such as misplacing important cables or files. Out IT Connect and Disconnect service ensures that transporting of business desktops, monitors, furniture and files is made easy.
If you’re ready to leave relocating your workspace to our capable hands, contact Grace Business Services on 1300 168 358. We wish you the very best working from home during these uncertain times.