Relocating for work isn’t easy, but sometimes our families help us through the experience. Children will often have different reactions to us when it comes to moving, especially when moving internationally. No matter what age they are, the challenges they’ll face as a result of moving are plentiful.
- Education
School is an important part of your child’s life and therefore, shouldn’t be left until the last minute to organise. Choosing a school might take some time as you research the best fit for your children. If your children are enrolled in a public school, don’t assume that public schools in your new neighbourhood operate in the same way. Every country’s education system is run differently so consult them and research thoroughly.
- Health
Before moving overseas, you’ll need to take the kids to the doctor to ensure their vaccinations are up to date. Your doctor will be able to provide you with recommendations for any medical action you’ll need to take before the relocation. Make sure you get a record from your doctor which you can supply to your new doctor too.
- Social lives
Your children’s entire social lives will change as a result of the relocation. They might not be able to easily let go of their friends and social circles as you. Set up a way for them to keep in touch with their old friends such as sending letters each week or emailing. Ask around and do your research to help find groups or social clubs your kids can join to help them make friends who have similar hobbies. Their new school might be able to help with this as well.
- Time to adjust
Your children will require more time to adjust to their new neighbourhood and school, especially if there is a language barrier for them to overcome. It’s important that you do what you can to prepare them for the move, including language and cultural lessons. Be sure to give them time to adapt to their new surroundings. Weather is another factor that your children might need time to get used to.
- Visit back home
If you can, organise a visit back home, even if it’s just for the holiday season. This will give your children the chance to catch up in person with other family members and friends. It will also help them understand that home is not too far away and you won’t be gone forever.
Need help relocating your family for work? Speak to a Grace Mobility Specialist on 1300 209 036 about relocating your family for an international assignment. Grace take the extra steps to ensure your children are settled into their new home, just as well as you are.